Home EXTRA Messi x3! King is one and only! Great hat trick! EXTRA Messi x3! King is one and only! Great hat trick! [VIDEO] By blogexpert - 9 September 2017 0 1514 Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest WhatsApp Who is BET4WIN.EXPERT? https://www.bet4win.expert/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Film-ang.mp4 https://www.bet4win.expert/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/messi-krol-1.mp4 RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR Furious Cris! Ronaldo’s reaction to the shot of Benzema…..[VIDEO] See all 26 goals on the second day of Champions’ League! Ronaldo, Kane, Milik, Aguero….[VIDEO] KICKS OF THE WEEKEND ? The coach of Real: Betis probably isn’t happy LEAVE A REPLY Cancel reply Connect with: